[apus_banner_donation bg_color=”#fd580b” title=”Help our School Children” description=”Be inspired! Take a look at the impact of our programmes which we’ve
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1200 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-dark”]
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1200 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-dark”]
[apus_banner_donation bg_color=”#32251c” title=”EAST AFRICACRISIS APPEAL” description=”Be inspired! Take a look at the impact of our programmes which we’ve
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1400 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-theme”]
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1400 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-theme”]
[apus_banner_donation bg_color=”#fd580b” title=”Insurance costs Children” description=”Be inspired! Take a look at the impact of our programmes which we’ve
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1500 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-dark”]
achievedthrough your support and donations” price=”$ 1500 To Go” link=”#” buttons=”btn-dark”]
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Run it forward official charity
Every day we bring real hope to millions of children in the world’s hardest places as a sign of God’s unconditional love
Run it forward official charity
Every day we bring real hope to millions of children in the world’s hardest places as a sign of God’s unconditional love
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[apus_title_heading descript=”Latest News” title=”News Update”]
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[apus_newsletter title=”In 2017 donations from the UK transformed the lives of more than” description=”Latest news delivered right to your inbox!”]